RhoGAM for ITP

Rh +ve patients can be treated with RhoGAM. This treatment (with products such as WinRho, Rhophylac or RhoGAM) is normally used for  Rh-negative women during pregnancy and after the birth of an Rh-positive infant to prevent sensitization to the Rh factor, but has been found to be effective on some Rh-positive ITP patients. Treatment with anti-D is costly, produces a short-term improvement and is not recommended for post-splenectomy patients. It acts by blocking Fc receptors on the macrophages thereby preventing phagocytosis of antibody coated platelets.



  1. What is better? RhoGAM, IVIG, Steroids or Plasmapheresis? What is the first line treatment?

  2. 1st line Rx - steroids.
    recurrent thrombocytopenia - splenectomy.
    rhogam used in persistently low platelets <10k
    Rituximab for refractory may be tried.


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